Daily UI 100

My first design challenge from dailyui.co to learn the basics of UI patterns using Sketch.app & Framer.

Scrollable list of trending images
Detailed recipe page for Dimsum
10% off Promo coupon for a phone retailer
Website that features best images of 2018 under separate 
                categories and year
Fictional website highlighting the special weekend offer
Crowdfunding page for a fictional smartwatch
Onboarding screens stating snap, upload and earn
Mobile boarding pass with scannable barcode
Weather app with forecasting future weather update
Empty shopping cart icon next to one with two items
Weather icon set based on clouds
Search bar with suggestions based on 'hello wo'
Progress bar indicating the reader's progress with the article
Collapsing and expanding note button
Animation showing the user tapping and holding the button for confirmation
Animation showing simplistic control panel to rotate and scale an object
Image slider prototype with pagination
A loading animation of hotels slowly appearing in the screen
Heart icon filling up with red colour once tapped
Progress bar for upload success and failure animation
On/off toggle button

See more on my Dribbble profile.

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